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Linking your Discord account

If you would like to link your Discord account to the Portal/Billing Portal, you can do this by doing the following:

Remember you MUST BE IN THE DISCORD to link your account


  1. Login to our Portal
  2. Enter the home page of the Portal
  3. Select your profile icon in the top right, then select "Profile"

  1. Underneath the "Profile Information" section, select "Login with Discord".
  2. Follow the instructions on the screen.
  3. You have successfully linked your account

Billing Page:

  1. Login to our Billing Portal
  2. Select your profile icon in the top right, and then select "Account Settings"

  1. Locate the "Social Accounts" tab and select "Connect" next to the Discord option.

  1. Follow the instructions on the screen and login with your Discord account
  2. Congrats! Your account is now linked!

Feel free to join our Discord server and ask for help, if needed